We’ve been talking about it for a while, and after delays on new contract awards during the Federal Government shut-down, DDOT has finally announced the first date for public meetings to get community input about streetscape improvements to Rhode Island Avenue.
On December 11th, DDOT will host the first of several public meetings to solicit your input on what types of streetscape improvements are needed on Rhode Island Avenue NE. The phrase “streetscape” refers to improvements in the physical appearance and condition of RIA – including options for improved lighting for pedestrian safety, better crosswalks, more trees, decorative sidewalks, benches, planters, etc.
The RIA corridor is YOUR neighborhood commercial corridor, and YOUR input will provide the direction that DDOT takes for improving the safety and appearance of the Avenue. The time and location for the Dec. 11 meeting are still to be determined, so save the date and stay tuned for more information!
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